Since first establishing our wide range of student-athlete recruitment services, we have supported international applicants from all over the world in identifying opportunities where they can pursue their sport alongside their university education.
During this time we have built relationships with some of the UK’s leading sporting institutions and successfully worked with applicants from over 50 different countries.
Our UK university sport recruitment service was designed to provide incoming prospective international students with all of the advice and support they need when searching for a university that best meets their individual academic and career ambitions.
Our expert UK university recruitment staff help our international applicants to assess the sporting opportunities available at each university, connect them with sport staff and then guide them through the process of completing applications to their preferred university.
As we commence our work towards the September 2024 intake, we are delighted to expand our services and expertise to benefit domestic student-athletes throughout the UK.
Introducing Sportfolio powered by The Student Sport Company
Whilst our service was set up to benefit international audiences, over the last few years it has become clear that the range of UK university recruitment services are also of interest to students and families across the UK.
With UK based students not facing as many challenges as incoming student-athletes, it become clear that some adjustments to our service were required in order to fully support applicants on their journey.
It’s with great pride and excitement that we launch our new platform, Sportfolio.

Our online platform that will allow UK based applicants to build an online profile and research what university is best for their own specific needs.
The platform will allow an applicant to make a shortlist of potential options based on their sporting preferences and express interest in specific universities.
As students progress through the UCAS application process, they will have the ability to update their application status.
This feature allows them to keep the sports and admission staff at their shortlisted universities informed about their application progress and any developments.

This new UK university sport recruitment platform will allow users to navigate through the process from initial interest to eventual enrolment.
How to create your profile
For UK based students that wish to create their account and start exploring the possibility of getting recruited to play UK university sport, they can do so by registering their details on the following link.
Once the account has been created, students can then access their profile via desktop or an app that can be downloaded for free on iPhone and Android.
Please follow our social media channels to keep up to date with all things sport related across the Higher Education sector!