Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our frequently asked questions to find the answers to the most common questions asked by students.

Browse our frequently asked questions to find the answers to the most common questions asked by students.

No. Our service is free for students to use. We do not charge a fee for any part of our service and will never ask you for any form of payment.

We help sport minded students to find suitable U.K. universities. Whether you are looking to play sport at university or study a sport related subject, or even the combination of both, our advice and guidance can help you make an informed decision as to what could be best for your career.

All of our applicants will benefit from our assistance that includes guidance in applying to their preferred universities and support with a student visa application (if required).

Yes, absolutely! To date we have worked with sport minded students from over 20 different countries. We welcome students from all nationalities to apply.

Any students who do not have a valid U.K. passport will require a student visa to study in the U.K.

Any student requiring a visa will benefit from our free visa assistance when they get to this stage of the process.

Students have the option to compete in over 50 different sports alongside their university education.

See the full list of available U.K. university sports here.

No, not at all! Whether you’re an aspiring professional athlete or just want to continue playing your preferred sport for fun, we can help guide you to a suitable university.

With our wide range of connections across sport in the U.K. we are able to find opportunities to suit athletes of all levels of ability and ambition.

No, if you happen to join a university team and decide that you no longer wish to compete for them you are free to leave to focus on your studies. There is no obligation to compete for a full season or future seasons if you happen to change your mind.

The only circumstance where this may change is if you have accepted a sport scholarship for your selected university and signed a form that states you will represent them in specific competition. Any form of sport scholarship offer would typically be renewed per academic year by the sport department. If your desire to compete was to change, this is something you could inform the staff at your selected university.

Yes, many universities offer sports scholarships to talented athletes across a wide variety of sports. For more information on sports scholarships at U.K. universities please visit the following page on our website here.

Yes, sport scholarships at U.K. universities are open to students of all levels of study and all nationalities.

Yes! Just because you want to compete in your preferred sport at university, it does not mean that you have to study a sport related subject. You are free to pursue a degree in whatever subject area you are interested in.

No. All final decisions regarding admission and the outcome of any sport scholarship application are decisions that are made by the admissions staff at each respective university.

However, we believe that our knowledge of the U.K. university system will greatly enhance your chances of success. We will be able to find universities to best suit your personal criteria, sporting ambitions and academic standing.

Yes, there are numerous ways we can still assist you. We will be able to evaluate the sporting opportunities you would have available at your selected university, help you in applying for scholarships and speaking with the sport staff if you have not already done so and also provide guidance relating to the student visa process once you reach this stage.

This is all provided as part of our free service.

If you have any other questions about our service, please feel free to get in touch and ask your question via our contact us form!

No. All final decisions regarding admission and the outcome of any sport scholarship application are decisions that are made by the admissions staff at each respective university.

However, we believe that our knowledge of the U.K. university system will greatly enhance your chances of success. We will be able to find universities to best suit your personal criteria, sporting ambitions and academic standing.

Yes, there are numerous ways we can still assist you. We will be able to evaluate the sporting opportunities you would have available at your selected university, help you in applying for scholarships and speaking with the sport staff if you have not already done so and also provide guidance relating to the student visa process once you reach this stage.

This is all provided as part of our free service.

Any students who do not have a valid U.K. passport will require a student visa to study in the U.K.

Any student requiring a visa will benefit from our free visa assistance when they get to this stage of the process.

Yes, absolutely! To date we have worked with sport minded students from over 20 different countries. We welcome students from all nationalities to apply.

No, if you happen to join a university team and decide that you no longer wish to compete for them you are free to leave to focus on your studies. There is no obligation to compete for a full season or future seasons if you happen to change your mind.

The only circumstance where this may change is if you have accepted a sport scholarship for your selected university and signed a form that states you will represent them in specific competition. Any form of sport scholarship offer would typically be renewed per academic year by the sport department. If your desire to compete was to change, this is something you could inform the staff at your selected university.

No, not at all! Whether you’re an aspiring professional athlete or just want to continue playing your preferred sport for fun, we can help guide you to a suitable university.

With our wide range of connections across sport in the U.K. we are able to find opportunities to suit athletes of all levels of ability and ambition.

Yes, sport scholarships at U.K. universities are open to students of all levels of study and all nationalities.

Yes, many universities offer sports scholarships to talented athletes across a wide variety of sports. For more information on sports scholarships at U.K. universities please visit the following page on our website here.

No. Our service is free for students to use. We do not charge a fee for any part of our service and will never ask you for any form of payment.

We help sport minded students to find suitable U.K. universities. Whether you are looking to play sport at university or study a sport related subject, or even the combination of both, our advice and guidance can help you make an informed decision as to what could be best for your career.

All of our applicants will benefit from benefit from our assistance that includes guidance in applying to their preferred universities and support with a student visa application (if required).

Yes! Just because you want to compete in your preferred sport at university, it does not mean that you have to study a sport related subject. You are free to pursue a degree in whatever subject area you are interested in. For a full range of available subject areas please see the full list of available courses here.

If you have any other questions about our service, please feel free to get in touch and ask your question via our contact us form!

Start your U.K. study search here

Register your details via our online form to start searching for suitable opportunities throughout the U.K.

Start your U.K. study search here

Register your details via our online form to start searching for suitable opportunities throughout the U.K.